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BSC Services Available Remotely
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Student using laptop
Help with Online Learning
Students - If you are looking for some assistance with learning online, check out these 4 workshops!
Study Sox
Are you ready to earn your Study Sox while learning remotely?!?   Attend three online workshops, tutoring sessions or mentor meetings to earn a pair of Bobcat Study Sox! 
Have some questions?
Check our extensive FAQ section and see if your question has already been answered!
PALS Offerings
PALS Offerings
For information on Learning Assistance available remotely for the remainder of the Spring 2022 semester, click here.
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All BSC services are currently available online.

All staff are available via email and can work with you to schedule online meetings. Information on how to meet with staff and access BSC services while remote can be found HERE.



Campus Updates can be found here.

To access learning support resources specifically addressing online and remote learning click here


The mission of the Calvin E. Bright Success Center is to provide learning support, transition programs, and individualized interventions which empower UC Merced students to be successful in their academic and personal development. We provide opportunities and co-curricular experiences that aid students in enhancing their knowledge of university resources, academic and personal growth/ development, and advocacy and access. Through intentional collaborations and program delivery, we focus on overcoming barriers and celebrating academic milestones.



8:30am - 5:00pm
Monday - Friday
*Fall 2022 hours will be posted around mid-August


(209) 228-7252
*Please note that response times to voice messages may be delayed do to staff working remotely

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(209) 228-4017


Kolligian Library, 2nd Floor
KL 222

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